Pest Control for Spiders

 Protect your home, family, and pets from spiders.
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Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

Although most spiders are harmless, nobody likes to see them around the house. A professional pest control company like Lincoln County Exterminating has the right products and experience to treat your home for spiders.

The best way to keep spiders away from your home is through routine treatments. We treat indoor and outdoor areas to eliminate spiders living in your home and prevent more from entering.


Common Nonvenomous Spiders

Most spiders in the wild and in gardens are useful for eating insects and keeping insect populations in check. But while spiders may be a useful part of the ecosystem, that doesn’t mean you want them hiding in your corners.

If you see a spider in your home, it’s most likely a common house spider. Other spiders that are often found in homes include cellar spiders, daddy long-legs, and wolf spiders.

Brownrecluse blackwidow

Brown Recluse & Black Widow Spiders

The brown recluse spider and the black widow spider are the most common venomous spiders in the United States. They usually live outdoors but sometimes find their way inside buildings.

The good news is that these spiders (and almost all spiders) are non-aggressive and only bite if they are trapped or startled.

Brown recluse spiders have a dark violin-shaped mark on their heads and have six (rather than the typical eight) eyes. As their name suggests, they live in secluded areas under logs, leaves, or in dark closets or attics. Bites by brown recluse spiders require medical attention.

Black widow spiders have a red pattern on the underside of the abdomen and typically live in woodpiles, under eaves, or in places where debris has accumulated. They may also live in outdoor toilets where there are plenty of flies (a favorite food of spiders).

Black widow spiders usually only bite when someone directly contacts their web. Their venom is a dangerous neurotoxin, so bites by black widow spiders require immediate medical attention.


Steps for Getting Rid of Household Spiders

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You can easily use the hose attachment of your vacuum to get rid of spider webs. However, if you don’t treat the source of the webs – the spiders spinning them – you will only keep encountering them.
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Corners, spaces under furniture, baseboards, and ceiling corners are prime real estate for spiders. Some like to nest in dark, undisturbed areas, like piles of clutter on the floor.
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Storing unused belongings in cardboard boxes provides spiders with plenty of dark corners to inhabit. Storing things in airtight plastic keeps spiders, dust, and moisture out.
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Pest control professionals have more aggressive spider removal methods that remove spiders and webs without endangering pets or kids. They can remove webs too.

FAQs About Spiders

Q. Why are there so many spiders in my house?

A. Spiders seek shelter when the weather is bad, and most prefer dark, secluded areas. Sometimes they will follow prey species like ants or moths into your home or business. When spiders are ready to mate, they send out chemical pheromones to attract other spiders.
Q. How do I keep spiders under control in my garden?

A. Fortunately, there are natural biological controls that can minimize spiders in your garden. Some plants, like eucalyptus, repel spiders, and diatomaceous earth can kill them without harmful chemicals. A drop or two of wintergreen or peppermint essential oil can naturally repel spiders in your car, garage, or garden.
Q. What time of year are spiders most common?

A. Generally, you will see more spiderwebs in late summer and early fall. This is when male spiders come out to mate. If there are one or more female spiders inside, you may see more spiders as the males try to find a mate.
Q. What should I do if I see a black widow or brown recluse spider?

A. Some people are comfortable with vacuuming up a brown recluse or black widow spider. But if you are not, call a professional pest control company. Their technicians know how to handle dangerous spiders to get them out of your way without endangering the health of you, your children, and your pets.

Spiders are mostly harmless and do a lot of good by eating invasive insects. But many people are afraid of spiders and don’t want them around. Fortunately, natural methods for spider control can work well. But for serious invasions or encounters with venomous spiders, calling pest control specialists is typically the best approach to control.